Heritage Turkeys & Breeding

New blood lines, of heritage turkeys, arrived on Wednesday, September 26th, from Olde Reminisce Farms.

Two Narragansett Toms, and one Blue Slate, Tom. These gorgeous birds, where grown by Olde Reminisce Farms. Lori brought them to Rainbow Ranch Farms, and they will be part of our heritage-turkey, breed-improvement program.

When Lori drove up, she opened the kennel door, and we pulled the Tom's out, one by, one and we encouraged them to fly out.

Last night they were roosting along the cross-fencing, and this morning, they were ranging with the boars, pecking through the boar corrals, for goodies.

They are beautiful, healthy, and we thank Lori Enright, of Olde Reminisce Farms, for donating these beautiful birds to our breeding program.

Here, at Rainbow Ranch Farms, we breed, hatch, grow and produce a variety of heritage turkeys.

Spanish Black - Narragansett - Blue Slate - Bourbon Red - White Holland - Midget White - Chocolate - Royal Palm - Rio Grande Wild - Eastern Wild, and our own heritage-specialty farm breed: ®ÎžÎµÎ½Î¯Î±’s Turkeys™

To learn about, what's new, at Olde Reminisce Farms, Please visit the official O.R.F. website.


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